Miserable Weather

We're here in Daytona waiting for Bike week, beginning this Saturday. We have been suffering through clear skies and warm weather. All the while we see reports of people enjoying the snow in the Northeast. See the report by Scott Ott, below.

AccuWeather: Beautiful Snowstorm Delights East Coast

(2005-03-01) -- A spectacular snowstorm has created a winter wonderland in the eastern United States, delighting people of all ages, according to AccuWeather meterologist Joe Sobel.

The storm, which draped the landscape in a blanket of shimmering white, has already been blamed for countless hours of joyful play which will live in the memories of children for years.

"Millions of adults stayed home to enjoy time with family and escape the drudgery of their dead-end jobs," Mr. Sobel said. "Folks who work in the snow removal industry are enjoying boom times, with many earning overtime pay that will help to send children to college and generally fuel our expanding economy."

The meteorologist added that "a storm like this is one of those thrilling experiences that fills you with awe and makes you appreciate the wonder of creation. You wake up saying, 'It's great to be alive.'"

While many business enterprises and government agencies closed today, the internet ran on a two-hour delay.


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