Student Opinion

Direct your attention to the following cartoons. They were first place winners in a school "writing" contest.

This was drawn by a fifth grade girl. How do you suppose a fifth grader came up with such an idea? She suggests electric cars. Where do you suppose the electricity might come from?


This was drawn by an eighth grader. It was about the Donna Frye campaign for mayor of San Diego. She was a write-in candidate and per the city charter, technically not eligible to participate in the election. In addition, like the voters in Florida in 2000, the voters were incapable of also marking an "X" in the box.

In my opinion both of the cartoons indicate how the kids minds are being poisoned by their teachers.

Never let the facts get in the way of your arguement.


I included pictures with this post. They were there immidiately after I posted them. I see from the large blank spaces that they are no longer present. It is apparent that Blogger has managed to erase them. This happened once before. I think the Paper only makes them available for 7 days following publication.


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