A large anti-war rally was scheduled yesterday. I joined the festivities, but on the opposing side. Smash has this photo. He added,
The protestors may have had hundreds of people and dozens of messages, but this is how KFMB chose to end their brief segment on the event.
That, my friends, is what I call "stealing the media."
The anti-war protesters – well, primarily, their message was anti-Bush. They were so wrapped up in hating the president that logical, rational arguments were almost non-existent. They wanted to “Impeach Bush” and “Dump Bush”. Their signs noted in a-hundred-and-one ways that they thought he was stupid. They also claimed that “Bush Lied, thousands died”, demonstrating their originality, and that Bush was a racist because of Katrina. There were also attacks on religion, i.e. “those fascists, Pat Robertson and friends that want to make the USA a police state”. A few also mentioned the war. One of the most memorable characters carried a sign saying that “9/11 was ordered by Bush. 8000 died”. He also would use his PA system to say , “al Qaeda is in the White House; Osama bin Bush.”
My observation was that the traffic was generally light with the public and that other than the news media, the demonstrators were their own largest audience