Albert, RIP

Albert, AKA "Fat Albert", AKA "Mister Albert" went to Kitty Heaven yesterday. He had lived with us for about 9 years and had been in declining health for perhaps the last year. He had been diagnosed with kidney failure. He was dehydrated and we were giving him fluids every couple of days. His body was a mere whisper of his former self and had become very weak and frail. We shall miss him.


I had a cat named MAX. Actually we had 3 cats-Freddie was a tabby and 28 years old, Sammy was a siamise and 27 but Max and I shared a bond like no other. He was 14 years old and with our pet crow who lived up in the giant eucalyptus trees on our acre, the 3 of us took walks together on the grass pathways filled with 150 rosebushes and herbal gardens. MAX would chase RAVEN FOR AWHILE FROM LIMB TO LIMB and then they both rushed over to me and Max would curl up on my right arm and Raven would stand on my left shoulder...
When the flowers were in bloom it was paradise.
One day Max and I were taking a nap on the couch while my wife was tending the garden with Freddie and Sammy when all of a sudden Max woke up and rushed over to a private corner he had and was trying to hide. I went to the front door, opened it, and there was Freddie lying there on his side with no life left in him. I called my wife over and she said she was petting him but a minute ago but he died of a heart attack.

The moment his body stopped his spirit said goodbye to Max and both he and Sammy lived a bit longer but that moment lives on in my heart. Thanks for the memories.

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