Veterans Day Parade

Yesterday we participated in the Veterans Day parade here in Reno. I received a frantic call from a friend. Republican Congressman and Presidential candidate, Duncan Hunter would be in town for the Veterans Day parade and his ride fell through for the parade. Would I be willing to take part in the parade (she knew I had a convertible)? I jumped at the opportunity.
Even though Congressman Hunter was from San Diego, we really knew very little about him. We knew that he was the ranking Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee, and that he was a strong supporter of the border fence. But, we usually heard the pundits dismissing his as a "second tier candidate".
Participating in the parade gave me the warm fuzzies. Again and again people would approach the car and say that they were supporting him and that they were counting on him.
Dianne and me with Congressman and Lynn Hunter.

We later attended a town hall forum (which we had not had any intention of attending) where we decided that the things that he was advocating were rock solid and necessary for our country. We became his supporters.

He was strong on border security! Strong on the war! and strong on fair trade! His answer to a question from a "Health Care voter" was the best that I have ever heard.


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