Obama Rally

The Nevada Democrats in a quest for more attention and influence moved it's primary/caucus to an earlier date. Consequently, we have been infested with those Dems on the campaign trail. Today we were "treated" to a Barack Obama rally. I decided to attend.

The crowd was surprisingly normal and well behaved. I don't recall seeing any of the moonbat types that I had expected.

I had a conversation with a woman who had just move here from Chicago. She was a volunteer assigned to a crowd control function. She noticed my shirt and indicated that she didn't like it's message (see photo). I asked her what she had against diversity? She responded that it was guns, not diversity made her uncomfortable. She knew very little about guns but was afraid of them, and that there were no guns in Chicago because they had been made illegal.
I asked, if that included the police? She replied that they were in fact armed. The same story was for the bad guys.

She then told me about her father and that he had had a number of guns and even made his own guns.
When I then asked how many people her father had shot? After a pregnant pause she replied that she understood my point.

Two different women were assigned to warming up the crowd and then to introducing Obama. It surprised me that they both emphasized that they were business owners. It didn't quite look like the normal Dem stance on business. Are they trying to change their image?

Obama followed the Clinton precedent of being fashionably late. After all, the temperature was only about 90F and with no shade.

He spoke about his health care plan, possibly in attempt to out Hillary Hillary.He talked about achieving energy independence by use of alternative fuels and improved mileage. No mention was made of tapping into the known oil reserves here in our own country, or of nuclear energy. Combatting global warming was high on his agenda.
On the economy he said that even though the stock market is at an all time high, it only benefitted the fat cat Republicans and he wants to fix that. No mention was made that there have been only 5 down quarters in the past 20 years. He wants to make things easier for unions, saying that would improve our lot in life.
A lot of his speech he appeared to be running against Pres Bush, but the last I knew, Bush wasn't up for re-election.

I must admit that he seemed very personable and very articulate. Perhaps Senator Biden was right when he described him as clean. He was definitely able to work the crowd, at least that crowd. I was highly entertained.


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