I am posting excerpts from an email from a friend that recently moved from San Diego to the DC area. It shows her observations on life in a different world.

I notice people here, on base, talk a lot about their gardens, which plants are in bloom, and how we need rain .
They are not pedestrian friendly, definitely not pedestrian friendly. one woman stopped to allow me to walk from the store to the parking lot and the car behind her started to go around her and just about hit me. I had some profane words for car no. II Californians are in for a shock when dealing with east coast traffic.

Slow as heck drivers. the I-95 is the main artery going N and S. Everyone is going N in a.m. into DC. It starts to back up a good 25 miles south of DC. I see the gridlock/parking lot from my on ramp. I-95 is only a 3 lane interstate and it is ugly with all the big rigs. there are yield signs getting onto the freeways, scary!!
there is the HOV lanes with 2 lanes for 3 or more they open and close like the 15.

So far, I have been to the DMV 3 different times. The first I was late. second, I did not have a second I.D. to get my license, ie; birth certificate, SSN card, but wait....I sat for an hour to register my car only to find out they could not put me in the system since they could not prove who I am. wish they would have told me that at the Information counter when they told me I could not get my drivers license. Last time I took proper I.D, but they wanted to see my divorce papers, I laughed. Then I was told I could not get my car registered since I did not have proof of residency. Before I got too upset I thanked them and walked out with some more profane words....
I will say this, no kids running around, not a million people talking on their cell phones and they did move the lines quickly.

here are some quick tidbits.
There are a million Spanish speaking people and there does not seem to be a demand for them to not have to speak English. my observation only.
Not many Asians

The Marines are more respectful than the Navy and in better shape.
their standard P.T (physical training) test is harder than any other branch of the military.
Many are college graduates here at OCS school training for their command. I was touched when I cleaned a bunch of kids teeth getting them ready to go and Guard our Embassy's overseas.

A lot of American cars. There is not even a BMW dealer in the area.
The townhouses commonly do not have a garage.
Premium gas is $2.32
They have very small street signs for very large intersections.
They refer to many of the streets as numbers. they must have been old highways.

When at the museums or such (Mt. Vernon, DMV) they only allow a certain amount of people in at a time.
People do not reach over you while shopping.
A ten or eleven year old boy bumped into me in public and excused himself!!
They have lightning bugs here.
Cost of housing is skyrocketing. If I had the means for a second mortgage, I would go for it. Sounds just like SD several years ago when everyone thought housing could not get any more expensive. there is something going on that is going to bring in 17,000 more people into the area.


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