Corvettes Attend Homecoming Parade

The Reno Corvettes drove in the parade for the Truckee High School Homecoming. Seven Corvettes participated. We carried the Homecoming King and Queen and members or the Court. Sophomore Prince & Princess, My Passengers My charge was the Sophomores. The Sophomores float theme was Alice in wonderland. I'm not sure of the themes for the other grades because once I received my asignment I no longer had the lluxury off exploration. Soph's Alice in Wonderland Float Now, every adventure requires something going wrong and this was no different. The kids had a music CD to entertain us along the parade route. The problem was that mine would not play. In case you should wonder, I had never played a CD in the entire time we owned the car. I had no idea if the system worked or not. We tried every possible combination and then I turned it over to the "engineers". They eventually settled on plan "B". ...