New Mexico Green Chilis
It's that time of the year. A local supermarket had a promotion selling Hatch chili peppers . And for anyone that would buy an entire 35 pound sack, they would roast it at no additional cost. 35 pounds is more than we thought we could use so we had to scramble to find some one to share the treasure with. Dianne planned to be near the store so she was sent on the mission. The product was available in three different grades, hot, medium and mild. I knew Dianne was a lightweight so I requested medium. I think mild would have been boring. While they roasted the peppers, we still had to peel them. For anyone not familiar, roasting tends to burn an outer layer of skin that you might not notice without the roasting. After roasting, this burnt skin needs to be peeled away and discarded. It's amazing how much was discarded during cleaning.. I might not know the best method to remove the skin, but an entire 35 pound sack takes a da...