
Showing posts from December, 2010

Parmesan - Olive No-knead Bread

As you may know, I have been practicing baking no knead bread.  I think I have the system pretty well figured out, at least for here in Reno.  With the elevation of about 4500 feet the recipes seem to need some tweaking. The white bread most closely resembles to  me a fine artisan bread.  The most important criteria seems to be how wet the dough is (the amount of water).  Number two seems to be the nature of the container for the final proof (rising). this time I tried a loaf of regular white bread with parmesan cheese and black olives.  Although I deviated from the recipe the bread was outstanding.

Our Christmas Visitors

We had a most enjoyable Christmas. Wendy and Khalil spent a few days with us and a great time was had by all. The way she roasted the turkey you would never know she was a vegetarian. I think there might be some latent killer tendency. Anyhow, we very much enjoyed their visit.

Morning Snow and Photoshop

Did you know that I had been practicing with Photoshop.  And apparently, I have gotten pretty good. This picture of Dianne actually looks as if she is holding a snow shovel and I think that it appears quite realistic. Under orders from my cardiologist I bought her this shovel 3 years ago and she hasn't used it yet.  I either risk my own life or have to wait for entrepreneurial neighborhood kids to do the job.

More Bread Baking: Challah this Time

From time to time I have been baking bread. For te most part it has been a resounding success. Sometimes the dough was a bit dry, but the end product turned out very well. It's pure dumb luck I guess. Today I tried challah, a Jewish celebration bread. Wow.! I think it was superb.

More From the Oregon Coast

As I mentioned in the previous post, we traveled to visit the Oregon coast. It was shortly after a fierce storm and the ocean was very turbulent. This video of the waves crashing into the rocks was taken in Depoe Bay. Lest you think it was not wild, the same day a couple was washed off the jetty in Newport, OR.