
Showing posts from 2009

Happy New Year!

I wish a very happy and prosperous new year to one and all.

Merry Christmas

We wish all of you the most merry Christmas.

The Saga of the Prodigal Corvette

As I had mentioned in a previous post , three weeks ago burglars paid us a visit. They broke into our house through a small window. Among items that were taken included laptop computers two digital cameras, and a cell phone, and, by the way, also our Corvette. It happened in the middle of the day. Our neighbors had witnessed the crime. The burglars were driving a pickup truck that had been stolen from the local Toyota dealer two days earlier. The dealership confirmed this information. Three days later the stolen pickup crashed and the occupants fled on foot and were not apprehended. Still no word on the Corvette. I suspected that the Corvette had gone to a chop shop and I would never see it again. Two weeks following the crash I received a call from a sheriff's detective. He had just returned from vacation and was beginning work on the case. We discussed relevant aspects of the case. He told me that he would keep me informed about any progress. About 2 hours later the d...
Cheeseheads riot over cartoon images showing the Prophet Lombardi (PBUH) as somewhat less than a deity. Green Bay, WI - Like a pot of bratwurst left unattended at a Lambeau Field pregame party, simmering tensions in the strife-torn Midwest boiled over once again today as rioting mobs of green-and-gold clad youth and plump farm wives rampaged through Wisconsin Denny’s and IHOPs, burning Texas toast and demanding apologies and extra half-and-half. The spark igniting the latest tailgate hibachi of unrest: a Texas newsletter's publication of caricatures of legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi. Protestors demonstrated against the images throughout the Badger State yesterday, with violent egging and cow-tipping incidents reported in Oconomowac, Pewaukee, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, Antigo, Oshkosh, Waubeno, Wauwautosa, Waunewoc, Wyocena, Waubeka, and Washawonamowackapeepee. Read the whole story. But check this story to see what is really happening in Iraq.

Where, Oh Where is Our Car?

My sister was visiting. We just returned home from an outing , mid afternoon. But, why was the garage door open, and, oh, by the way, where was the Corvette? Yes, that's right. Burglars had paid us a visit. They gained entry through a bathroom window and the rest is history. They rummaged through my desk and found the keys to the car. They also profited by two cameras, one cell phone and items still not discovered missing. Now, the interesting part of the whole story was that our neighbors had witnessed the crime. We believe that they were driving a truck that had been stolen from a local dealership two days earlier. The dealership confirmed what the witness had seen. Three days later we learned that the same truck had crashed, and the occupants fled the scene on foot. One thing we will probably never see reported in the local fish wrapper; these folks are doing the jobs that Americans just won't do.

Water Drops

I just thought this was interesting.

Light Rail Transportation in Africa

As a follow-up to the previous post on Africa I thought I'd post this video that demonstrates an ingenious approach to solving problems and making do with what one might have available. Now, I must add that even though we saw some examples of what we might consider primitive, we never saw this. Another point was that we visited a very arid climate and it appears to be raining in the video. The picture quality is marginal, at best, but the idea is great.

Randon Thoughts About Our Africa Trip

The air travel was long and grueling. The Delta segment from Detroit to Amsterdam had the most unpleasant flight attendants I have ever encountered. Anyone that asked for a second bag of peanuts was turned down and informed that Delta had snacks for sale. About 2/3 of the distance across, while most of the passengers were asleep, we observed the flight attendants scurrying toward the rear galley carrying unused meals from the first class section. I had gotten up to use the lavatory facility and to stretch my legs. While waiting for the next vacant lavatory we were chased out of the area. My perception was that they did not want us to see them "living large". It all made us want to fly Delta again, soon! Cellular telephone coverage appears to be far superior to anything we find in the US. Serengeti National Park is a huge area (Approx. 30,000 sq km) that appears virtually empty of human habitation. In addition it is surrounded by vast areas of nearly vacant lands. I r...

Jack Miller, RIP

Our dearest friend and mentor, Jack Miller, passed away Friday morning. I'm sorry to report sad news this morning. Jack Miller passed at 8:33 am on Friday, October 9. Jack was diagnosed with cancer in June and fought valiantly to beat it. We all believed he would overcome it but he lost the fight. Jack was scheming, plotting and planning up to the very end. Just last weekend Jack showed me a brilliant tax strategy, which I will utilize in the near future. I've never met anyone who loved people or enjoyed life more and he lived his life to the fullest. He will be missed by all. Here is a final message that Jack wanted me to pass on: To my Friends, Students and Subscribers, "I have concluded that the treatment for my illness will not be successful. However, I am thankful that I have had the friendship and support of many of you. It has been rewarding for me to see you grow and prosper and I hope I was of some help in that process. It is my hope that you wil...

Celia, RIP

Celia has left this plane and is now in doggie heaven. She was one of my sisters dogs and now can chew her bones forever. The report was that she was suffering from bone cancer. May she RIP.

Crystal Mining

Does this look like a happy crystal miner? -- or even a crystal miner? Well yes! She is, both. A crystal miner and a happy crystal miner. We joined a group of friends on an excursion to an abandoned crystal mine located on Forest Service land northwest of Reno. According to the "experts" crystals mined from this location had been used for radios in WW II. The others at the mine raved about this specimen. It was within about two inches of the surface. It was somewhat yellow and also somewhat cloudy in appearance. Other, much smaller specimens were clear and colorless. A fun day was had by all.

To The Top of Mt Rose

Yesterday I, along with my trusted companion, Riley, hiked to the top of Mt Rose. The hike had one of the items on my to do list for quite a long time. The weather conditions were ideal with mild temperatures and light winds. The trip was much longer and more arduous than I had expected. The last two miles were very slow going indeed. I seemed to stop to rest about every 100 feet or so. And I don't mean vertical feet. We made it to the top in about 4 hours. Here we are at the summit of 10,776 feet. My GPS agreed very closely. Lake Tahoe in the distance. The entire trip, including a half-hour rest at the summit took about 7.5 hours. We both moved very slowly today.

Cactus Flower

We got this cactus about 5 years ago from our friends in the San Diego area. It was growing by their front door and had become very large. Barbara invited me to lop off a few branches. We took it home and stuck it in a pot. We have subsequently transplanted it in a larger pot and it seemed to be happy with that move. This year I noticed a strange growth. At first I had thought that it was something like lint that had fallen at that spot. But then the spot began to grow larger until it became obvious that it was a flower spike. The budding flower grew into this. And then opened into this. Once the flower opened it began to wither away. It had lasted only a few hours in its' full splendor. Within a few days the flower had fallen to the ground leaving behind a mere hint of where it had been.

Helmets for Pedestrians

Where was this when I needed it?

Evidence of Global Warming

Yesterday, August, 6, it snowed in the mountains . Here in Reno a chill wind blew persistently. I neglected to bring warmer clothes as I participated in an event for "Hot August Nights" classic car celebration. None remained for photos this AM. Clearly it was a sign of global warming.

More Blood and Gore

Well, here it is. Dianne has sent this photo to all her friends. So I might as well join the festivities. This blog was originally started to report on our travels, but it might be changed to health concerns of the decrepit and infirmed. I went to urgent care for initial treatment. Dianne was concerned enough to later shuttle me to the emergency room because she was concerned about the possibility of a concussion or fractured skull. A CAT scan put her mind at ease. The swelling was extreme, largely from internal bleeding due to the blood thinners prescribed by my cardiologist. My eyelid, which was completely black (much more so than in the photo), was so large that I could not open my right eye. As swelling subsided enough to open the eyelid slightly we could see that the eyeball was bright red from blood. That too has mostly returned to normal. Anyhow, there appears to be no long term damage to report, except, possibly for pride.

4th of July Tea Party

Today we attended the Tea Party here in Reno. The turnout was much better than I had expected. Because the area was sort of spread out, I was not able to make a very good estimate of the attendance. I also noted some people coming later and others leaving earlier than the duration of the event. It's persistence.

Celebrate our Independence

I once again read the Declaration of Independence . As always, I am in awe of the brilliance of our founding fathers. Read it for yourself in celebration of our heritage.

Reno Rodeo

We went to the Reno Rodeo last night. The stands were full and they put on a superb show. I recognized a wholesomeness that seems to have disappeared from the city and from anything that comes from the mass media.

Tea Party

Dianne and I attended the Tax Day Tea Party in Carson City yesterday. It was a festive affair with an estimated 2000 to 3000 people in attendance. Our "good" Senator, Harry Reid claimed that the number was closer to 250. He must be right because the Dems are known for their truthfulness. Har, Har. Some counter-protesters were expected to try to disrupt the event, but I never saw a single person with an opposing viewpoint. Possibly something more interesting, though, I also never saw a single reporter or television camera present. I guess they were busy with something more important. Now, I must admit that the RGJ did publish some decent photos here. Our shrinking retirement accounts. I support this idea completely. Sign Another sign displaying someones creativity. This last photo was from the afternoon tea party in Reno. Sen. Reid was nearby at a campaign reception hosted by the mayors of Reno and Sparks who claim to be Republicans, and the mayor of Carson city, who is a D...

A Grave Offense

COUPLE ACCUSED OF MAKING 'GRAVE' REPAIRS TO PATIO Nevada couple took headstones from a veterans cemetery to repair their patio.

Snow (?)

It's snowing at this very moment. Yesterday was 70 degrees and sunny. WOW!


Spring arrived today. But this is not Cicely.

About Dogs

I know this is not Riley, But...

a $Trillion, WOW

This is to better to understand the concept of a trillion.

Our Pot of Gold

Monday we viewed the most brilliant rainbow that I had ever seen. By the time I grabbed my camera it had had faded a bit. It was a double rainbow that spanned from horizon to horizon. By the way did you know that the colors of the second rainbow are in the reverse order from the first. More interesting, Monday was also the third anniversary of our arrival at our home in Reno. As I recall, it was raining at the time and a full double rainbow was visible. This must be our pot of gold. We are thankful.

Wet weather causes shortage of blue tits

Here's something I bet you never knew.


I came across this site having the most interesting videos. They are based in mathematics and go about explaining four dimensional space. I don't understand it, but I enjoyed the videos. I hope you do too.

Horray for Ramos & Compean

Yesterday President Bush commuted the sentences of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean who had been convicted following a shooting involving a drug smuggler. We supported them in their ordeal. I believe that United States Attorney, Johnny Sutton withheld evidence in their trial and that they were convicted unjustly.

Weather Report

Do you still believe we must prevent "global warming"?

We always knew this was dangerous.


The Slingshootist

Updated links

I realized that there were a lot of links that were no longer working. I spent some time today updating the links so they connect to real sites. Enjoy.