
Showing posts from March, 2005

On the Way Home

Saturday. To quote a line in a C & W song, (Mac Davis, I think) ‘Happiness is Lubbock, Texas in the rear view mirror.’ The road carried us west across west Texas and the Permian Basin. I think that Permian refers to a geologic era. The basin supplied much of our military’s petroleum needs during WW II. The area is so flat that highway expansion joints are prominent terrain features. The sights consisted of agriculture (cotton and peanuts) and oil fields. We were on our way to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Guadalupe Peak is the high point of Texas. We (I) wanted to reach the top of another states high point. The highway incidentally also passed Carlsbad Caverns National Park. We stopped and toured the cavern. It was really spectacular. They encouraged us to take pictures, but due to the lack of light we met only marginal success. It’s an odd phenomenon of nature that sunlight seldom penetrates through 750 feet of limestone. We camped for the night in a Guadalupe NP campground. ...
At the summit of Guadalupe Peak. The monument was erected in honor of American Airlines
Scene on Main Street, Daytona Beach. The people are gasping because the bike breathed fire.
Entrance to carlsbad cavern descending about 750 feet to the main room.
Dianne claimed that she was taking photos of a bridge
My cousins, Bill, Carl, Altanette and Beverly
Live oak trees on a rice plantation near Brusnwick, GA
Sunset by our campsite in GA
Muscovey ducks near our campsite in GA
Shrimp boats in Darien, GA


We stopped in Jackson, MS to visit our friends Walter, Laura, and their kids, Walt and Peyton. It was a great visit. Walter showed us around the town. We saw beautiful areas and squalor. On to the Dallas area where we again visited our friends John and Cindy and our former neighbors Dave and Angela. We noticed that Spring has arrived. The trees are beginning to awaken from the Winter. But, don't be fooled. We woke up this morning to find frost on the car. The current stop is Lubbock where we hope to take care of some business.

On The Road Again

Bike Week ’05 is now history. We’re on our way home. With two days travel, we have reached Jackson MS. It seems that we have been gone far too long. Dianne is so impatient to get home that even she might be willing to drive. We were parked in a field at the west end of the Daytona Speedway. What a ‘bargain’, only $200 to dry camp, (grin). It still beats other options. I think every other RV park is sold out, - and the price is even higher. Bike Week seems to cover all of central Florida. I have heard that Bike Week brings somewhere near 750,000 motorcycle riders to the area. Compare that to the NASCAR event last month, which drew about 250,000 race fans. The traffic is horrendous, but can be mostly avoided by those that know the city. That doesn’t include me yet. I was last in Daytona in 1964. That year I rode in a 100 mile road race at the speedway. I didn’t get involved in any partying. I don’t even know if Daytona was about partying as much then as it is now. Racing was superb. We a...

Miserable Weather

We're here in Daytona waiting for Bike week, beginning this Saturday. We have been suffering through clear skies and warm weather. All the while we see reports of people enjoying the snow in the Northeast. See the report by Scott Ott, below. AccuWeather: Beautiful Snowstorm Delights East Coast by Scott Ott (2005-03-01) -- A spectacular snowstorm has created a winter wonderland in the eastern United States, delighting people of all ages, according to AccuWeather meterologist Joe Sobel. The storm , which draped the landscape in a blanket of shimmering white, has already been blamed for countless hours of joyful play which will live in the memories of children for years. "Millions of adults stayed home to enjoy time with family and escape the drudgery of their dead-end jobs," Mr. Sobel said. "Folks who work in the snow removal industry are enjoying boom times, with many earning overtime pay that will help to send children to college and generally f...