On the Way Home
Saturday. To quote a line in a C & W song, (Mac Davis, I think) ‘Happiness is Lubbock, Texas in the rear view mirror.’ The road carried us west across west Texas and the Permian Basin. I think that Permian refers to a geologic era. The basin supplied much of our military’s petroleum needs during WW II. The area is so flat that highway expansion joints are prominent terrain features. The sights consisted of agriculture (cotton and peanuts) and oil fields. We were on our way to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Guadalupe Peak is the high point of Texas. We (I) wanted to reach the top of another states high point. The highway incidentally also passed Carlsbad Caverns National Park. We stopped and toured the cavern. It was really spectacular. They encouraged us to take pictures, but due to the lack of light we met only marginal success. It’s an odd phenomenon of nature that sunlight seldom penetrates through 750 feet of limestone. We camped for the night in a Guadalupe NP campground. ...